Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies Who are they?

  This interview or maybe I should called it article about Sugar Daddy and I find it interesting to read even though this article is from US. Here the link :

 Well I know that I'm not really capable to explain about this topic but this topic is really interesting for me to read and comment as anthropology and sociology student. What is it about Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby? Who are they? Why they involve in this kind of relationship? What is it the benefits of having Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby? Does Sugar Baby is a Gold Digger? 

 Before I go any further let me explain what is the meaning of Sugar Daddy. What I find in Urban Dictionary about the terms of Sugar Daddy are:
  1.  A man who provides money or other favors in exchange for sexual relations.
  2.  A man (usually older and well-off) who financially supports a younger woman (or man) in exchange for sex and companionship.
  3.  A man who lavishes a woman with money,gifts,etc.
  4.  a middle/old age man that supports a significant young woman in their life. Possibly sexual favors can be a reward for the sugar daddy's help or it can be done voluntarily.
    And what the means of Sugar Baby and also from I got from Urban Dictionary. And the terms of Sugar Baby are:
  1. A young female or male who is financially pampered/cared for by a sugar daddy or sugar mama in exchange for companionship (i.e. sexual favors).
  2. a woman who provides companionship and/or sexual relations for a wealthy, older man in exchange for expensive gifts and/or money; a "gold digger"
  3. a women usually who age ranges from 18-30 that excepts money, gifts and other materialistic items from her sugar daddy for companionship and but not exclusive to sexual favors
  4. A young, usually attractive girl (or occasionally boy), who gets things such as material possessions or help with paying their bills, for just basically being the "Arm charm" of a much older gentleman (or lady) and pumping up the older lady or gent's ego and rep. by being seen together. But, WITHOUT having to do any sexual favors for them.
What can I conclude about the term of Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby are about rich middle or old men having relationship with young and attractive women between the age of 18 until 30. They (Sugar Daddies) lavish them with gifts, money and etc in exchange of sex but sometimes it is not just for sex.

    And I know people always wondering why they (Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby) want to involve in this kind of relationship. And yes I'm wondering too about the reason why women want to involve in this kind of relationship and of course the men too.

    This is my opinion based on what I read on this article and please if you have any opinions or thoughts just share with me okay? First I would like to write on men or Sugar Daddy's perspective. I don't know whether it;s true or not but this only my opinion. I think these Sugar Daddy need to date younger women or be their Sugar Daddy due to loneliness. Maybe some of them are married but maybe their spouses are busy with their career too and these men need attention and someone to lend their ears to hear anything. If they are single, perhaps the traditional dating isn't working for them. Sometimes being with younger women make them feel energetic and younger again. Maybe I call it paid emotional labor for women because these women are going to have conversation and listen to the men. About having sex with men maybe optional for women and yes they deserve to say no. Maybe societies see this as new kind of prostitution but I don't think so. Or does this kind of relationship is a new kind of prostitution?

    Why women want to have Sugar Daddy? Well based on what I read on this article these Sugar Babies are mostly college students and most of them are women but don't forget men also involve in this kind of relationship. That's mean Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby aren't restricted for young women and middle or old age men but also younger men with middle or old age men. But now I'm focusing on younger women especially college or university students. As you know college or university life isn't easy as we all imagine and yes money is very important. But here in Malaysia of course we have education loans and scholarships but that aren't enough. Imagine how college and university students overseas have to survive with all the tuition fees and etc. And yes it wasn't enough because the tuition fees is expensive and some of them would do part time work to support their lives in college or university. But for Sugar Babies to have Sugar Daddies that means a lot of money, expensive gifts and etc they get. Maybe people said it's wrong but perhaps it's the only way they know how to make more money to pay for their education. Their Sugar Daddies support them financially for their education and give them expensive gifts as an exchange for their service. For Sugar Daddies what does they gain? Of course young and attractive women would do anything for them. And they can take their Sugar Babies to expensive dinner or even vacation. And yes emotional paid labor for the Sugar Daddies. 

    Are they Gold Digger? Hmmm.. maybe some of us would say yes they are Gold Digger but for me they are not. We cannot judging them because we are not in their shoes. We must try to understand them not call them some sort of names. 

    Maybe people would think that I support this kind of relationship but this is only my opinion not more than that. I'm trying to see the whole picture of this Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby relationship. And it's very interesting topic to do some research on it! This is only my opinion and please I would love people to share some of your thoughts and opinion on this topic. 

                                              Lyn Alynna Amalina


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